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How to Track Files in TPCX/EDI Server
Question: How to Track Files in TPCX/EDI Server?
To Find the files in the EDI server if it is not using Altova map
- Login into the EDI/TPCx server.
- Go to the below path:
- If the files are not present in the inbound folder, check the backout folder.
- If the files are not present in both the folders, then the files have been reached to the pooling folder
C:\Program Files\Prophet 21\tpcx\edi
- Once the SISM will run from P21, then it will go to the log folder:
C:\Program Files\Prophet 21\tpcx\edi\log
If the files got stuck in inbound folder, then you can restart the TPCx tomcat and TPCx Derby services. If it still not processing the files, then please reach out to hosting team. If the files get stuck in the backout folder, please reach out to hosting team for review.
To Find the files in the EDI server if it is using Altova map
- Login into the EDI/TPCx server.
- Go to the below path:
- If the files are not present in the inbound folder, check the backout folder.
- If the files are not present in both the folders, then the files have been reached to the X12Inbound folder
- If the files are not in X12Inbound folder, then the files have been reached to the pooling folder via P21mapper
C:\Program Files\Prophet 21\tpcx\edi
- Once the SISM will run from P21, then it will go to the log folder:
C:\Program Files\Prophet 21\tpcx\edi\log
If the files got stuck in inbound folder, then you can restart the TPCx tomcat and TPCx Derby services. If it still not processing the files, then please reach out to hosting team. If the files get stuck in the backout folder, please reach out to hosting team for review. If the files are stuck in the X12Inbound folder, then restart the P21mapperservices. If the file is still not processing, then reach out to hosting team.