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P21 Transfers - There is An Unapproved Receipt for This Transfer Order

This message being given in transfer receipts  means someone started a transfer receipt but did not approve or complete it. To resolve this, in the Transfer Receipts window, search in the Receipt Number field for your transfer number. Recall that receipt and approve, making sure the complete box is checked on the line.

If you have an item that was shipped but does not show on the transfer receipt, it means the user zeroed out the quantity and set the line to complete.

To receive in the missing item, you first need to approve and receive the initial transfer receipt. Then when you enter in the transfer number again, the remaining item will show up and you can then do another transfer receipt.

Use this query to identify the "hidden" receipt number:

select top 10 * from p21_transfer_receipts_view where transfer_shipment_number = 88047

Creation date: 1/30/2024 6:44 AM      Updated: 1/30/2024 6:44 AM