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Cycle Count Failure Troubleshooting

Mike, I deleted the cycle count number that generated this morning for 40911. 

And then reran the scheduled task. All the items are there. See below. @Velazquez, GerardoPlease check with 40911 to see if they received the report.

It is possible the invalid cycle count was causing issues with rerunning a new one.

In the future, we need to do the following.

  1. If the scheduled task fails, check p21 to see if a cycle count number generated.
    1. If the number did generate, review the report to confirm all the items are listed.
    1. If they are listed, just reprint the cycle count report to the warehouse printer.
    2. If the items are not listed like this morning, delete the cycle count number, and rerun the scheduled task. Review the new cycle count number to confirm items are listed.
  2. If the number did generate, just rerun the scheduled task.

The entire process has predefined criteria. All the scheduled task does is run that criteria the next day.

Creation date: 12/13/2023 12:04 PM      Updated: 12/13/2023 12:04 PM
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