- Other Third Party App
- P21 - Data
- P21 - EDI
- P21 - Project
- P21 - Process Issues
- P21 - Dynachange
- P21 - Forms
- P21 - Performance
- P21 - Report/Portal
- P21 - General
- Unassigned
Contract Number Heirarchy
NOTE: if Purchase Price Pages are used then they need to be considered also
Here are my findings for the contract number hierarchy. If there is a valid Job Contract it will look there and ignore the Sales Price Page. If there is no Job Contract it will start with the Sales Price Page. In both scenarios it then pulls Contract Numbers from Item Maintenance, first the Supplier by Location contract number, then Supplier Detail contract number.
If a job/contract and sales price page are present:
- Job Contract lower pane, PO Cost Mulitplier tab (job_price_line.pocosting_po_contract_number)
- Item Maintenance lower pane, Supplier by Location tab (inventory_supplier_x_loc.loc_contract_number)
- Item Maintenance lower pane, Supplier Detail tab (inventory_supplier.contract_number)
If there is only a sales price page:
- Sales Price Page PO Cost Mult Tab (price_page_po_cost_calc.contract_no)
- Item Maintenance lower pane, Supplier by Location tab (inventory_supplier_x_loc.loc_contract_number)
- Item Maintenance lower pane, Supplier Detail tab (inventory_supplier.contract_number)
The following contract numbers were ignored:
- Job Contract lower pane, Items tab (job_price_line.customer_part_no)
- Sales Price Page, Sales Pricing tab (price_page.contract_number)