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Web Sales Refund Process

For Open Web Orders

If the credit card was charged online and you need to issue a refund, only accounting can refund the payment unless you (meaning the CSR) has the customer’s credit card number. In that case, the CSR can refund the payment back to the customer’s credit card from order entry upon cancelling the sales order.

If the credit card was charged online but the order was never imported into P21 then only accounting can refund the payment.

Any sales order with the payment type below must be refunded by accounting unless the CSR has the credit card. Again, in that case, the CSR can issue the refund from order entry by entering the customer’s credit number as they are cancelling the order.

For Invoiced Web Orders

Only accounting can issue the refund unless the CSR has the customer’s credit card. In this case, the returns person can issue a refund back to the customer’s credit card via RMA.

What should be considered is, does the CSR or Returns person have the customer’s credit card information. If yes, they can issue the credit from P21. If no, it can only be handled by accounting.

Accounting Contact to Handle Refund

Groves - Shannon Silessi

Canada - Elsa Cerda or Bonnie Gaulton

US - Barb DeBower

Creation date: 3/21/2022 4:04 PM      Updated: 3/21/2022 4:04 PM
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