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Item Lot/Bin



On CUO 1529167 for Wyman it’s asking me for a Lot/Bin to be posted for item KRY R10649. I’ve searched around and can’t find a lot number for the item. Please advise.

Shane Kevil
Integrations Assistant Manager | Groves Industrial
Main: 713-675-4747
Direct: 346-302-2423

7301 Pinemont Dr. | Houston, TX 77040



Please advise as this is for billing and it is preventing me from invoicing. I need to get this done ASAP.


Shane Kevil
Integrations Assistant Manager | Groves Industrial
Main: 713-675-4747
Direct: 346-302-2423

7301 Pinemont Dr. | Houston, TX 77040

From: Shane Kevil
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 10:34 AM
Cc:; Corey Greenwood <>
Subject: Item Lot/Bin


On CUO 1529167 for Wyman it’s asking me for a Lot/Bin to be posted for item KRY R10649. I’ve searched around and can’t find a lot number for the item. Please advise.

Shane Kevil
Integrations Assistant Manager | Groves Industrial
Main: 713-675-4747
Direct: 346-302-2423

7301 Pinemont Dr. | Houston, TX 77040

So sorry about the delay, the order should be good to go now.  i saw a lot on that item.  If not send me an email and I will respond within 5 minutes

It’s good now.

Shane Kevil
Integrations Assistant Manager | Groves Industrial
Main: 713-675-4747
Direct: 346-302-2423

7301 Pinemont Dr. | Houston, TX 77040

Good to hear, response time will be better in the future.  Closing this ticket.


KRY R10649 is flagged as a LOT item but there was no LOT number assigned for that item at location 11014. Because of this, the order cannot be billed because a LOT number must be selected.


The LOT number will need to be added to the consignment location and the current quantity on hand should be adjusted into that LOT/BIN.


In Item Master Inquiry, locate the LOT number from the main warehouse. In this example, it was location 10000. The LOT number is BE1750ER.

Locate the primary bin for item KRY R10649 in Item Master Inquiry at the consignment location. This is required because the LOT number must be associated with the primary bin at the location. Primary bin is NEEDS.

Go to the Lot Adjustment menu and enter location 11014 and the item. We need to adjustment the current qty available at that location into the LOT# BE1750ER.

Last step is to reconcile the LOT and Bin. Go to LOT/BIN RECONCILIATION menu.

Enter consignment location and item id

Click retrieve

Link the new LOT number to the primary bin an save.

From this point, the person in order entry would just need to enter the lot number and bin at the item level on the sales order.

Creation date: 4/30/2021 4:26 PM      Updated: 4/30/2021 4:26 PM
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