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Scheduled Task Manager Security Setup

This article uses P21 Canada as a setup example.  The purpose of this article is to show how to establish
security on a scheduled job task.  To start, find and click on the following menu option:

By default, P21 enables all Roles and Users access to a scheduled job.  To edit a job, Right Mouse Button (RMB) on any task, then select Edit Task:

Click on the Security Tab at the top:

Uncheck the "Select All Users" box at the upper left.  Then click the Enable checkbox for the "ALL - Admin ONLY" role.
This sets the security to only allow administrators to edit the jobs.

If you want to add additional users, who might use this menu option to run jobs on their own, go to the right-hand side of the screen,
then check the individually who should have this enabled.  In this example, Carina Gibbon and Chris Hewson we added as they were authorized to use the option.

Click OK to Save the setting.

NOTE:  The ALL - Admin ONLY should be applied to EVERY job task.  Failure to do so, will enable restricted users to unauthorized use of the job.

Creation date: 2/16/2024 12:10 PM      Updated: 2/16/2024 12:10 PM
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